The Anonymous Bump... Revealed!

A few weeks ago, I posted an anonymous baby "bump" on my Facebook Page. Apparently some family and friends knew right away who the belly belonged to because of the hands (who knew someone could be recognized by their hands, right?).  Luckily, they played along with keeping things Top Secret and did not reveal the lovely, pregnant lady's name. 

I am extremely thrilled to reveal this family's photo session today because it means one major thing... their baby is on the way!  Yes, they are headed to the hospital and will be meeting their newest addition in *hopefully* a few, short hours!

Without further ado.... the Penniston family! 
You read that correctly... this photographer is about to welcome another bundle of joy!

And to be completely honest, the belly did not get much bigger than this (what a relief)! I have been measuring small, but still healthy.  After our first being 8 lbs, 10oz, I am certainly looking forward to seeing how big this little guy is.  


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