Kimber Elise

I would like to do a little disclaimer about my newborn photography before I give everyone some cute pictures to ooh and awe over. I have been asked a few times in the past about it and would like to clear up a small point. In all my photos, I try to capture the people and the moment. Yes, photoshop and props and poses are great, but I prefer natural beauty.  

I am very excited to be able to share these lovely photos of my niece with everyone. She is quite the precious, little gal. Kimber is not a great sleeper, however, and did not appreciate me trying to wrap her in little blankets or put headbands and such on her.  In the end, her best photos occurred at the lake when she was almost 2 weeks old.  Apparently she enjoys to sleep in the sun and sprawl! I do not mind because she is adorable regardless!  

Without further ado, I bring you Kimber Elise.  

*Please do not copy or share the photos as they are the property of S.J. Photography and her parents who ask that they not be reposted.

Like I said... no blankets allowed.

Suntanning at its finest!


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